4 Maart 2022
2 juni 2022-The impact of climate change on drowning: Setting a research agenda
The International Drowning Researchers’ Alliance has partnered with The Lifesaving Foundation to host a blended virtual/live meeting on 2 June 2022, preceding the Lifesaving Foundation Conference on June 3rd and 4th. After two years of SARS-CoV-2 isolation, there is a great need and excitement for drowning researchers to meet in person. We have selected the future-oriented and largely unexplored area of “The impact of climate change on drowning” as the topic for the meeting.
The IDRA meeting aims to consider climate change’s current and future impact on drowning. This single-day meeting will compile current research on the issue and, most of all, identify and prioritise climate change areas affecting drowning that require further attention. The conference will feature a combination of invited virtual and live plenary speakers and 5-minute pitch presentations based on abstracts received. Topic areas might include, for example: • Severe weather events • Rising sea levels • Flooding • Climate-driven migration • Sustainable lifesaving • Social, mental health, and medical considerations Info
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